Hello Everyone! So we created a summer bucket list and made a cute little bucket with all of our fun things we'd like to do this summer. I thought it would be fun to capture all of our summer bucket list adventures on camera and then document them on a blog for our friends and family to see. My friend does a blog and I love checking it weekly to see her family's adventures and she has inspired me to make my own. Thanks Laura!
So as we complete our bucket list adventures I will post them on my blog with notes about the day and activities. I will do my best to keep up with this and hope that people tune in to see what the Van Pay's are up to next! If this is something that I enjoy along the way and people are looking at it I might continue doing it. We will have to see. Stay tuned for our first bucket list pictures coming soon!
Happy Summer!
Here's our Bucket List! Thanks for the idea Pintrest!