Tuesday, July 24, 2012

Lemonade Stand

Lemonade Stand!
Jack has wanted to do a lemonade stand this summer so we put it on our bucket list.  We decided to do a yard sale since we had so much junk to get rid of!  I thought it would be a perfect time to have him do a lemonade stand.  Grandma made the cute little signs for him.  And some how we went from having just a lemonade stand to also involving cookies.  That was clearly Jon's idea in hopes there would be leftovers.  It was also extremely hot so he sold waters as well.  He was quite the salesman!  Every person that came up he said "Would you like to buy a cookie or some lemonade?"   It was so cute!  His cuteness must have won over some people since he made almost $18 and we sold it all for 50 cents!
We also had a pretty good turn out for our yard sale and all in all I'm glad that we did it!  Plus the house feels roomier now with out all that stuff around that we didn't need.  I will most likely do this again next year.

Side note:  Please forgive any misspellings or grammar mistakes.  I'm writing this in a causal setting so I'm assuming no one cares, except of course my husband who pointed out all of my typos!  So here's my disclaimer to everyone, this blog will not be perfect!  I will not proof read since I will have plenty of that to do this fall when I start back up with Grad School.  Thanks for understanding! :)

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