Saturday, July 7, 2012

#4 & #5

First I just want to apologize for taking so long to get my next posts out.  It's been crazy at work lately and I come home so tired that I usually fall asleep right after I put the boys to bed!  We've been keeping very busy lately though with lots of new fun things.  Mostly indoor activities since it's been way to hot to do anything else these days.  Here's our latest bucket list adventures:

#4-Go to the rodeo!

We traveled back home over Father's Day weekend and took Jack to the Stanley Rodeo Days.  It was really exciting.  My sister, Matt, Michael and Carter joined us as well as my dad.  Grandma stayed home with Bentley and got some snuggle time with him.  It was a pretty good rodeo.  I was curious how Jack would do but he really seemed to enjoy it.  He asked a lot of questions and thought the animals were neat.  He also got a kick out of the rodeo clown!

I also forgot to mention, the only thing Jon wanted for Father's Day this year was to go home to the rodeo to get the famous Stanley JC's cheese curds!  They are to die for and we made sure that we got them on numerous occasions!  YUMMM!


We've been wanting to take Jack bowling for quite some time.  So I was driving by our bowling alley, which is right down the road, in May and there was a sign that said kids bowl free all summer!  So I thought, well now's the time!  It's actually a great deal.  You pay $25 for 4 adults, and any amount of kids.  Those 4 adults and kids bowl free all summer through September 30!  You can't beat that.  You go one time and it's paid for believe it or not.  Bowling is not cheap!  You just have to pay for shoes but Jon and I have shoes.  Jack doesn't really need any but he gets a kick out of them so we pay the $2.50, and he looks adorable in them!  You get 2 free games everyday.  We have taken him twice so far and it's great because 2 games is just enough.  He's usually getting tired near the end anyway.  If we don't even bowl all the games we don't have to feel bad since we aren't paying.  He really enjoyed it and he can't wait to go again.  Here's some pictures!
He was so proud of his orange ball!

Dad explained the importance of not sticking your hand in the tunnel and to be careful not to get your fingers pinched.

Ready, Set, Roll!

And we wait!  Sometimes he got impatient waiting for his ball to reach the end.

High fiving with Mom for a job well done.

This is what Bentley though of bowling at first!

Then he woke up and was his happy laid back self.

Final scores!  As you can see none of us did that well!  Jon blamed it on the bumpers since he has a pretty wicked curve ball that he couldn't get going since it kept hitting them.  I don't really have an excuse although I did get better the second game and did much better the second time we went.  Maybe by the end of the summer I'll break 150!  Ha!

More to come soon!  Take care,

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